Protagonism dynamics

life narratives in the school space


  • Felipe Rios Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Laísa Quadros
  • Caroline Fabiane Candeloni


Protagonismos, Narrativas, Biograficidades, História, Educação


The purpose of this article is to present the activities developed by the research group “Povo de Clio”, an institutional project of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, together with the Maria Rocha school in the city of Santa Maria/RS. The workshop in question was worked on from the perspective of valuing the life narratives of students and teachers, creating spaces for listening and dialogue in relation to the trajectories of those involved. Throughout the text, the whole process of application of the activity is demonstrated, focusing on the (auto)biographical perspective, showing from the process of creation, execution and results of the experience. The activity was divided into levels, with circles in which students advanced by answering questions, and with each pass, the complexity and degree of personal involvement of the questions increased. The concept was that, through experience, the participants could explain moments of their existence, dialogue with the large group and better understand the happy and difficult situations they were involved in. Thus, we place as a major discussion of the research the possibility of, through interventions such as the workshop, qualifying the school space with spaces for listening and dialogue of trajectories, valuing the student as a historical and social subject.


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How to Cite

Rios Pereira, F., Quadros, L. ., & Fabiane Candeloni, C. . (2023). Protagonism dynamics: life narratives in the school space. Revista Caliandra, 2(2), 79–95. Retrieved from